
WaveGIS Technology Co.,Ltd.

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About Company

Founded at 2004, WaveGIS's core strength has been integrating geographic information with remote sensing, communication and employing cloud computing and analysis to meet the demands of monitoring management, data statistics, and operation decision support etc.
In the era of loT technology, WaveGIS design and build scalable loT services including river water level monitoring, river constructions operation sensors, flood defense, sewer system monitoring and water resources management to maximize customer's values. WaveGIS integrated technologies across industries to bridge the junction of IT & OT professions achieving the goals of remote sensing, warning, analytics to make the combination of cloud computing and IoT applications more practical, feasible and flexible.

Product Name

Product Info

1.Slogan:Best IoT Practice for Flood Resilience

2. Product Concept:
This service, which combines with IoT sensor and low power transmission, aims to provide comprehensive water level real-time data, including inundation and drainage, sewer systems water depth. In addtion, the cloud software delivers real-time data set, flooding alerts, impact assessment, and big data analystic for AI deep learning to monitor the dynamics of inundation or flood and activate notification automatically and help to respond promptly.

3. Product Functions:
(1) High-Cost effectiveness: Low cost of ownership for flood or inundation data aquisition, which enable monitoring network to be deployed on a large scale.
(2)Key data from field: Know all data during the whole inundation or flashflood event.
(3)Multiple notification : auto-notify when water depth reaches threshold.
(4)Analytic in depth and width: Providing estimation of flood extent and impact on traffic, land and PoI based on incoming GIS and DEM data.

4. Product Technical:
(1)Smart operation mode to keep low power consumption with build-in battery.
(2)Portable installation design to collect data in a cost-effective way, so that data bank for IoT can be built.
(3)Powrful computing capabilities provide constant geo-spatial data analysis and assessment.

Product Solutions


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