
FlowVIEW Tek Inc.

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About Company

FlowVIEW Tek provides inspection solutions at the micro-scale to nano-scale level for liquid materials. The FlowVIEW team combines over 10 years of experience from research institutions and renowned companies to develop Flow AOI solutions that meet the needs of liquid material quality control and inline inspection. As semiconductor architecture becomes increasingly advanced, companies are investing heavily in R&D to improve yields and avoid contamination in both dry and wet processes.

Despite this effort, controlling micro-contamination in the liquids used in wet processes (such as water and chemicals) remains a major challenge. For example, in the CMP process, ensuring the quality of slurries used for silicon wafer polishing is critical for semiconductor manufacturers. To address this issue, FlowVIEW Tech has introduced its Flow AOI solution, which accelerates the industrial transition towards higher-end manufacturing capabilities. Our solutions have been successfully applied to semiconductor, FPD, PCB, petrochemicals, and other industries.

Product Info

FlowVIEW is a solution-based company aiming at providing innovative skills for liquid material/failure analysis (MA/FA) and inline monitoring for micro-contamination. The revenues come from three main cash streams. For MA/FA business, FlowVIEW provides easy-to-use products to create recurring revenue. For online business, FlowVIEW provides complete solution ranging from hardware to imaging software. The equipment rental service and software subscription business contribute to long-term and continuous cash flow. To solve the main customers’ requests (e.g. TSMC), FlowVIEW provides the leading inspection service and analyzes the defects in the processes and identifies the failure issues in the advanced process nodes.

Product Solutions


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