
WeatherRisk Explore Inc.

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About Company

Established in 2003 by Dr. C. M. Peng, WeatherRisk is the first meteorological company and now the largest private weather provider in Taiwan. Its services include weather forecasting, media, lightning monitoring and thunderstorm alerting, disaster prevention, weather data agency, weather service for solar and wind powers, climate assessment and meteorological economic analysis, air quality forecast, and weather analysis projects. WeatherRisk aims to provide the best meteorological solutions to businesses and governments.

As a lightning alert system agency in Taiwan, we hope to provide the lightning alert system and the lightning data service directly to overseas clients, or cooperate with local weather company to promote this system together.

Product Name

Product Info

1. Slogan: Use the most accurate and prompt lightning data to reduce the risk of lightning strikes and thunderstorms.

2. Product Concept :
In the past, the prevention and control of lightning strikes tended to be passive.
But now, it is possible to avoid the potential risks caused by lightning strikes through early warning.
The Lightning Alert System helps users know the location of the thunderstorm well, grasp the time affected by the thunderstorm, and prepare for the response in advance.
With the help of the lightning alert system, the users can easily prevent the risk of lightning, reduce damage to property, enhance personnel safety and improve corporate image.

3. Product Functions :
(1) Accurate detection:
The Lightning Alert System is part of the Global Lightning Network runs by Earth Networks.
Utilizing synchronized global data processing and algorithm, we can track the thunderstorm and inform the lightning status to users immediately.
(2) Global data:
There are more than 2,000 sensors all over the world, which not only extend the monitoring area but also reduce the error of detection through filtering.
(3) Integrated service:
There are two kinds of lightning, In-Cloud and Cloud-to-Ground, and the In-Cloud lightning are usually more common than Cloud-to-Ground in the thunderstorm cell.
The Lightning Alert System covers both the IC and CG, provides a comprehensive detection without any lapse.

Product Solutions


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