
PTCOM Technology CO., LTD.

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About Company

PTCOM Technology was founded in 2016. We started out by offering comprehensive solutions for the Internet of Things (IOT) marketplace. We offer intergrated hardware, firmware ,cloud platforms and user apps. We value security in the design of IOT devices and utilize IOT devices to collect data for research to assist our clients in making design decisions. Currently we are putting our focus on using IOT & Artificial Interlligence (AI) to make assistive devices for elders and caregivers.

Product Info

1.Product Concept:
OTTalk PLUS [Voice Call] OTTalk PLUS is easy to use. It is a speaker phone with microphone built-in. Just press the button and have two-way conversation!

[One Press Calls up to 20 Smart Phones] Up to 20 smart phones can be set-up to receive voice calls from a single OTTalk PLUS. A single smart phone running OTVerse App can be configured to call multiple OTTalk PLUS devices.

[Calls can be started from both directions] New with OTTalk PLUS calls can be started from the OTVerse App which will ring the OTTalk PLUS.

[Water Resistant] IPX5 rated. Place it anywhere! Bathroom, shower, kitchen, etc. Uses AAA Alkaline batteries. Battery life is 2 to 60 months depending on usage.

[WiFi Communication] Uses your 2.4 GHz wireless network. No monthly or additional fees to use.

2.Product Technical:
OTTalk Plus includes cloud, Android and Apple Apps, hardware and firmware. Other IoT products can only do notification and setting functions, etc. OTTalk Plus adds two-way voice streaming, which is the third type--besides mobile phones and landline phones-- of long-distance communication options.

3.Product Solution:
Everyone needs emergency care. OTTalk Plus is an IoT home alarm product. It has a simple button to connect to the mobile phone, so that patients can directly use WiFi to make calls in emergency. Once installed, you can connect to the designated mobile phone even if no one is nearby, so that life can be directly protected.
The battery life for standy time is 5 years. There is no other alternative technology to have the same battery life with talk function.

Product Solutions


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