
Somnics Inc.

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About Company

Somnics Inc. is a medical device company that focuses on developing innovative technologies to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Founded in 2011 by Dr. Chung-Chu Chen, who suffered from OSA himself, the company's mission is to satisfy the unmet needs of patients and physicians by providing comfortable and user-friendly solutions for restful sleep.

Somnics' flagship product is the iNAP Sleep Therapy System, which uses intraoral negative air pressure to treat OSA without requiring a mask. The iNAP therapy is clinically proven to be a comfortable and discreet way to treat OSA, and the company has been continuously improving its efficacy and comfort.

Now iNAP has been prescribed in countries in Europe, Asia, and Australia, and is FDA proved and available in the US.

Product Info

1.Product Concept:
iNAP Sleep Therapy System (iNAP) is a novel medical device for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) in adults of all severities-- mild, moderate, and severe. The system uses a soft, flexible oral interface, thin tubing, and a quiet battery-powered console the size of a smartphone to deliver a light, oral vacuum to comfortably open the airway while breathing normally, naturally through the nose during sleep.

Compared with CPAP therapies, iNAP generates gentle negative pressure pulling the tongue toward the upper palate and the soft palate forward, preventing airway blockage. It quietly treats OSA without masks and noises.

2.Product Technical:
The major attributes of iNAP including:
◎ Natural Breathing - iNAP allows you to breathe through the nose naturally without blowing air into the body.
◎ Portable and Rechargeable - iNAP is battery-powered and ultra-portable for any situation, such as traveling.
◎ Discreet and Quiet - iNAP console is almost silent when negative pressure is reached and maintained.
◎ Operation Without Mask - iNAP works without facial masks, belts, or large hoses.
◎ Sleep Telemedicine - iNAP App provides a proven tele-health service giving better treatment experiences.

3.Product Solution
Obstructive Sleep Apnea is a common symptom that humans usually ignore or treat passively. Today, more and more people are aware that Sleep Apnea causes severe damage to human health in the long run.

Targeting deficiencies of other OSA therapies, we provide patient-centered and user-friendly solutions for comfortable and restful sleep. iNAP can be life-changing, given the comfort, convenience, simplicity, and bed partner approval.

Our vision is to provide patients with simple, smart total sleep care solutions and allow more patients with sleep-related disorders to sleep better, wherever they may sleep.

Product Solutions


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