
T-BAL Co., Ltd.

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About Company

T-BAL is the first and finest lipidomics service provider in Taiwan. T-BAL co-develop the lipidomic profiling and analysis platform with Lipotype GmbH, Germany. The shutgun LC-MS/MS technology enable the high throughput examination on samples.

Except for detection and analysis of lipidome, we also provide multi-omics analysis. The multi-omics analysis enable researchers to analysis lipidome intersect with various omics, including transcriptomic, genomic, and proteomics.

In the current precision medical industry, Next-Generation Sequencing technology is considered the main stream. However, the trending to realize medicine reach to“precision”is based on multi-omics detection and analysis technology. T-BAL funders envision this trend, and established this company in Taiwan. We’re thrilled to introduce T-Bal to Vietnam societies to provide best service.

Product Info

1.Product Concept:
Lipotype is the leading lipidomics service provider for every researcher.
We developed Lipotype Lipidomics to identify and quantify thousands of lipids in no time. Our mass spectrometry-based technology was designed to adapt to a rich variety of sample types to reflect the diversity of research.

2.Product Technical:
Testing selected lipid molecules provides only a glimpse at the state of health. Measuring all lipids at once paints the big picture, a full lipidome. The technical solution to this is lipidomics, in which thousands of lipids from biological samples are analyzed at once. The lipids are shot into a mass spectrometer. Bioinformatics solutions and bio-statistical methods convert the mass spectrometer results into powerful charts and graphs. These extended lipid profiles tell all about the lipids of the original biological sample.

3.Product Solution:
Lipidomics, the comprehensive analysis of the lipid profile of a cell or organism, is a subgroup within the field of metabolomics that has quickly become a separate discipline. Thus, lipids are now getting the attention they deserve. This is where Lipotype Lipidomics comes in: with the help of their detailed analysis of the entire lipid profile, researchers from various disciplines gain better insight into the effect of lipids on different processes and parts of a biological system. The mass spectrometry-based technology allows for the identification of 66 different lipid classes – in total more than 4200 different lipids from many sample types. This enables scientists in biotechnology, pharma, the food industry, cosmetics, and academic research to achieve their scientific goals using reproducible, quantitative lipidomics data.

Product Solutions


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