
Taihao Medical Inc.

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About Company

Taihao Medical designs and develops AI medical software to help healthcare providers manage the increasing workloads. We focus on breast screening & diagnostic solution by utilizing ultrasound and LDCT AI solutions for lung disease. Leading technology & expertise include:
1. Real-Time AI detects suspicious areas in Ultrasound images.
2. Advisory Board members include scientists & physicians in Taiwan, Japan, China, and USA.

Product Info

1.Product Concept:
AI-assisted breast screening:
1. Real time breast lesion detection and alert
2. Breast scanning coverage & lesion localization
Quality control (QC)
Save suspicious lesions automatically with AI
Technician experience + AI to select key images
3. Rescanning and confirmation of key images
AI-assisted breast diagnosis:
1. BU-CADTM DS is designed to give you confidence in
breast lesion diagnosis
2. Increase the Sensitivity and Specificity
3. Speed up decision making
1. Automatic detection of lung nodule (0.3-3.0 cm)
2. Automatic calculation of nodule diameter and volume
3. Automatic classification of nodule type (Solid、PSN、GGN)
4. Automatic labeling of lung lobe (R3, L2)

2.Product Solution:
AI assist:
1. Lesion localization
2. Lesion delineation
3. Size measurement
4. Category & Lexicon
5. Structure report
6. AI reduces reliance on clinical experience

1. Diagnostic performance improvement
2. Time saving
3. Reduce fatigue and subjectivity
4. AI is a value-added technology, not an industry-disrupting technology.

5. Risk assessment of invasion
6. INTEGRATION - incorporated into existing image system of hospital

Product Solutions


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