
Infairy Technology Co., Ltd.

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About Company

Infairy provides a PaaS system to enable IoT operators to develop their own software and hardware suites within the platform, and use SaaS as a hardware docking project. At present, there are a total of 3 R&D personnel to maintain the operation of the system. At present, Infairy has cooperated with Gaoyuan University of Science and Technology to develop a number of Internet of Things fields for the industry to visit in order to expand the Taiwan market. In addition, there are also cooperative companies in Vietnam to build demonstration sites.

Product Info

 1. Slogan:Services from the cloud to your house

2. Product Concept :
Using both PaaS and SaaS Concepts, the Infairy IoT platform system is a PaaS system, and its internal bundles can be used as SaaS. The bundles are written for java 6 and their purpose conforms to the version supported by the system (Android4~Android 10).

3. Product Functions:
Features of Fairy bundles are dedicated to the role of communication within the platform. All the control functions in the Fairy wizard platform are not performed by the Fairy platform but are implemented through the "Fairy" in the platform. The Fairy wizard has ‘eyes’ (detection function), ‘ears’ (receiving function), ‘mouth’ (communication function), ‘hand’ (control function), and the timing points for different functions are different. When a situation is detected, the ‘mouth’ notifies the elves in the platform, the ‘ear’ receives the notification, and finally the ‘hand’ performs the action.

4. Product Technical:
Use java 6 to write bundles. The host java program needs to be written. To ensure system compatibility, the version used is java 6.0 to provide a stable host operating system and support the system version of Android 4~Android 10. Infairy IoT creates a complete IoT software system with functions such as eyes (detecting events), ears (listening events), mouths (notifying events), and hands (executing control). To construct this IoT system, it is necessary to fully understand the characteristics of the Java language in order to design IoT-related bundles.

Product Solutions


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